Sunday 2 May 2010


the website is now live, it is not quite right though, but thats not an issue for me, it is a issue with the school's page. I also got everything burned onto a DVD, with menus and titles which has been given to mrs to mark. It is a shame I cannot put the finished, more edited version of the evaluation on the blog, it is just too big to fit on any of my digisticks. Jeb also said he was going to put up the front and back covers of the digipak as he hasn't yet done so and as I already did and put up the inside cover but it seems that this is unlikely to happen. I'll see if I can find them on any of my digis or on my pc and if I can I'll put them up here, they are on the DVD but I think we should also put them up on the blog for others to see.

Thursday 29 April 2010

Work Done After The Holiday

Right Mrs has marked our media product as a whole and gave us 10 days to make any changes to it. So I have spent some of that time doing my year 12 coursework re-sit and some time editing the evaluation some more. All we need to do now is put everything onto a disc (digipak, webpage, music video and evaluation), which I'll probably have to do and also to make the webpage live and put it onto the internet.

Thursday 1 April 2010

Right I am now done. I have uploaded everything I have I believe, and the stuff I have not managed to upload on here Miss Bannon has. It has been emotional, thanks.

Audience Research & Feedback

Today at school, while putting the finishing touches to the first version of the evaluation I got a few people and several others over the last few weeks to look at the music video. The general opinion from all of them is the video is good to watch and of a good quality. I've had people who arn't into the genre of the music, much like myself and they all seemed to like it so thats good. The specific areas the general cnsensus all liked were the band performance bits, especially Jamie; the guitarist and the whole time and space confusion concept, which I explained to them, which includes the slow motion and the time lapse bit.


Right the planning of the evaluation, for me at least went well as i made notes to use in it at home. We didn't film when we planned to (Monday before end of term) as Jeb wasn't there on the day and we didn't want to do it without him. We did however film it the day after with Jeb. We filmed for ages, not due to a lack of knowing what to talk about or being off topic but just because we had so much to talk about It ended up being around 50 minutes of film.

After we filmed it I uploaded the film that lunchtime, and started the taughting task of editing it down after school. Over the next 3 lunchtimes and evenings I spent my time in the media room doing so. I added in clips from the music video, the cd covers and a screenshot of the webpage. I also cut the footage down to 35 minutes or so, still very long but I was struggling to find anything else to cut out. I then saved it as a quicktime and gave it to mrs for marking. Well when I say I gave it to her, because of the length it wouldn't fit on my digistick so I borrowed a friends, good ol' Stan, only to realise that once it had started it said it had 45minutes remaining and I had to go. Thankfully Stan stayed on until it finished and then gave it to Mrs.

Final webpage

Right for the final version of the webpage, I added several things from the final draft copy. The first thing was the band photo at the top of the page. I did this by choosing the best out of the photos we had taken and by editing it so it fitted. Next to this I also added become a member under the eagle, as I had some space and it worked well there. Then at the bottom I added the links to the social networking and itunes sites, which I did because it all links in with web 2.0, technology and intertextuality. Finally I put our music video in the bottom left hand corner, again linking multimedia together. I hope you like;

Inside cover for digipak

For some reason neither Jeb or Josh did an inside cover for our digipak, so tonight I decided to do one. I did this by editing one of the band photos we had. It also happens to be the same band photo as I put on the webpage, so being evaluative this is another link between them.